Name | Description | Idle | Links |
Electronics |
electronics/flexloader.git | Small utility to configure SRAM based ALTERA devices
| 24 months | summarylogtree |
electronics/lte-m-dongle.git | LTE-M dongle based on SIM7080G module
| | summarylogtree |
electronics/nrf52-dongle.git | NRF52 Dongle based on NINA-B301 module
| 24 months | summarylogtree |
electronics/rpi-amp.git | 2 x 30 W RMS Amplifier for Raspberry Pi
| 3 years | summarylogtree |
electronics/traffic-light.git | Traffic light toy
| 3 months | summarylogtree |
Misc |
chopstx.git | Unnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.
| 7 years | summarylogtree |
gnuk.git | Unnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.
| 7 years | summarylogtree |
linux.git | Unnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.
| 22 months | summarylogtree |
opensbi.git | Unnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.
| 3 years | summarylogtree |
qemu.git | Upstream QEMU + aurel32's patches
| 5 years | summarylogtree |