How to use this device


This is an example program for GNU/Linux to see how Chopstx works with USB emulation by USBIP.

Now, you are accessing this file. It means that the device is running as USB memory (USB Mass Storage Class device).

README, GNU GPL and Corresponding Source code

In this program, it contains copyrighted software that is licensed under the GPLv3. Please see README for the explanation of the software and see GNU GPLv3 for terms and conditions.

You may obtain the complete Corresponding Source code from git repositories. This program uses Chopstx for RTOS, and Fraucheky for GPL container. Those code are availabe in the Chopstx repository.

You can also download tarballs from the repository.

Source code by physical media

For those who want source code by physical media, Flying Stone Technology sells a microSD card (with SD card adapter) which contains all repositories at

The price is JPY1000 for a single media including tax and shipment in Japan. Please use YUUBIN-FURIKAE account of Flying Stone Technology below. Note that the account name is in Japanese (which means: Flying Stone Technology).

On the form of YUUBIN-FURIKAE, you specify your address and you can write some message. The media will be sent to your address written in the form.

If it is difficult for you to use YUUBIN-FURIKAE, please write to the following address.

This source code offer will be valid for three years after the shipment of this device or at least until 2021-03-31.
