#include #include #include #include #include "usb_lld.h" #include "tty.h" /* For set_led */ #include "board.h" #include "sys.h" static chopstx_mutex_t mtx; static chopstx_cond_t cnd0; static chopstx_cond_t cnd1; static uint8_t u, v; static uint8_t m; /* 0..100 */ static void * pwm (void *arg) { (void)arg; chopstx_mutex_lock (&mtx); chopstx_cond_wait (&cnd0, &mtx); chopstx_mutex_unlock (&mtx); while (1) { set_led (u&v); chopstx_usec_wait (m); set_led (0); chopstx_usec_wait (100-m); } return NULL; } static void * blk (void *arg) { (void)arg; chopstx_mutex_lock (&mtx); chopstx_cond_wait (&cnd1, &mtx); chopstx_mutex_unlock (&mtx); while (1) { v = 0; chopstx_usec_wait (200*1000); v = 1; chopstx_usec_wait (200*1000); } return NULL; } #define PRIO_PWM 3 #define PRIO_BLK 2 #define STACK_MAIN #define STACK_PROCESS_1 #define STACK_PROCESS_2 #include "stack-def.h" #define STACK_ADDR_PWM ((uint32_t)process1_base) #define STACK_SIZE_PWM (sizeof process1_base) #define STACK_ADDR_BLK ((uint32_t)process2_base) #define STACK_SIZE_BLK (sizeof process2_base) static char hexchar (uint8_t x) { x &= 0x0f; if (x <= 0x09) return '0' + x; else if (x <= 0x0f) return 'a' + x - 10; else return '?'; } int main (int argc, const char *argv[]) { struct tty *tty; uint8_t count; (void)argc; (void)argv; chopstx_mutex_init (&mtx); chopstx_cond_init (&cnd0); chopstx_cond_init (&cnd1); m = 10; chopstx_create (PRIO_PWM, STACK_ADDR_PWM, STACK_SIZE_PWM, pwm, NULL); chopstx_create (PRIO_BLK, STACK_ADDR_BLK, STACK_SIZE_BLK, blk, NULL); chopstx_usec_wait (200*1000); chopstx_mutex_lock (&mtx); chopstx_cond_signal (&cnd0); chopstx_cond_signal (&cnd1); chopstx_mutex_unlock (&mtx); u = 1; tty = tty_open (); tty_wait_configured (tty); count = 0; m = 50; while (1) { char s[LINEBUFSIZE]; u = 1; tty_wait_connection (tty); chopstx_usec_wait (50*1000); /* Send ZLP at the beginning. */ tty_send (tty, s, 0); memcpy (s, "xx: Hello, World with Chopstx!\r\n", 32); s[0] = hexchar (count >> 4); s[1] = hexchar (count & 0x0f); count++; if (tty_send (tty, s, 32) < 0) continue; while (1) { int size; uint32_t usec; usec = 3000000; /* 3.0 seconds */ size = tty_recv (tty, s + 4, &usec); if (size < 0) break; if (size) { size--; s[0] = hexchar (size >> 4); s[1] = hexchar (size & 0x0f); s[2] = ':'; s[3] = ' '; s[size + 4] = '\r'; s[size + 5] = '\n'; if (tty_send (tty, s, size + 6) < 0) break; } u ^= 1; } } return 0; }